
Author Spotlight

Stephen R. Lawhead (1950-)
United-States-born Stephen Robert Lawhead was born and raised in Kearney, Nebraska, where he attended first high school and then college. When he was twenty-one he met his future wife, Alice Slaikeu, whom he married a year later. They moved to Oxford, England, in 1986 in order for Lawhead to research his work the Pendragon Cycle, and though they moved back to the States again the next year, they soon returned to make their residence in England. Most of Lawhead's works of fantasy are based on and pull from legends of the British Isles, including Robin Hood (his King Raven trilogy) and King Arthur (his Pendragon Cycle). He and his wife have two sons, Ross and Drake, and continue to live in Oxford.

Books by Stephen R. Lawhead

Book Fun Values Age
The Endless Knot by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Fairly Clean 13+
Hood by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Take Care 13+
Jeremy Vole by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Clean 5-7
The Paradise War by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Clean 13+
Scarlet by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Warning 13+
The Silver Hand by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Clean 13+
Taliesin by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Fairly Clean 13+
Tuck by Stephen R. Lawhead Great Take Care 13+
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