
Don Quixote

by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
980 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Victor

Very funny, and worth the read, but very long and with some sexual content and crudity.


Alonso Quixano spends too much time reading old books of chivalry and not enough time paying attention to his friends in the real world. He begins to imagine himself as a knight from one of his old books, and takes it upon himself to cure the wrongs of the world by going out as a knight errant. He changes his name to Don Quixote and finds his neighbor Sancho to go along with his insanity as a squire. Many (mis)adventures ensue.


Don Quixote tries very hard to maintain high morals, but other characters cheat, lie, steal, fight, and hire prostitutes. Sancho is a kind man but he thinks of himself first, even if it means bending some small laws that Don Quixote would rather follow, though he has his slip ups too. Good is shown to be the right thing to do, but bad things are not always punished.

Spiritual Content

This book comes from a strongly Catholic time and place, so it has many references to that. The characters profess to believe in God and say many things in line with that. It was set at a time when there were still religious police in Spain.


A man's leg is broken and another man's ear is chopped. Don Quixote charges and duels numerous people he thinks are knights. A boy is beaten up, as are Sancho and Don Quixote on many occasions. There is a mention of a battle where a man was captured by Turks and held prisoner.

Drug and Alcohol Content

No drugs. Drunkenness is present. Wine was the typical refreshment of the day, so it is mentioned very often in Don Quixote.

Sexual Content

A man hires out a prostitute, but mistakes Sancho for her in the night. (A fight happens afterward).
There are a few sexual allusions, but nothing graphic.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

A man soils himself. There are curses and insults, but generally not too profane. Don Quixote duels different individuals even if they didn't merit his vengeance, but he has gone quite insane.


This is a wonderfully imaginative book and still very entertaining 400 years after the fact. However, if you do not enjoy seeing Don Quixote get beat up or Sancho make a fool of himself, this book may not be for you; also, there is some non-graphic but mature content.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 3
Written for Age: adult

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