
Kit Kittredge

by Valerie Tripp
Series: The American Girls Collection #
389 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

Kit's a lovely girl and, for the most part, a good example for girls today.


Note: This is a six-in-one series book covering the main Kit Kittredge stories: "Meet Kit", "Kit Learns a Lesson", "Kit's Surprise", "Happy Birthday, Kit!", "Kit Saves the Day", and "Changes for Kit".

Follow the story of a ten-year-old girl helping her family make ends meet in Depression-Era Cincinnati.


Kit, for the most part, is a very optimistic and determined girl. She wishes to tell nothing but the truth. She endeavors to do her share of work and saving to help her family get by. Between being nearly evicted, putting up with strangers in her house, and playing personal slave for her cranky great-uncle Hendrick, she makes the best of the situations she's in. Her parents and brother are caring and a very loving family. "Aunt" Millie is a very resourceful woman who is determined to help everyone save what they can and still enjoy life. Kit's friends, Ruthie and Stirling, are supportive and helpful. Kit does her best to make up after a fight. She also realizes that though she can't make much of a difference on her own, she can do still her part and inspire others to do the same.

Due to her longing for adventure, Kit ends up taking a quick but dangerous trip hobo-style. Her action is scolded and she is sorry.

Spiritual Content



The most violence in these stories would be some treatment of hobos by the police. Less violent than that (though wrong and punished) would be Kit shoving the most annoying boy in class when he says hateful things about her and her family.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

None. A boy teases Kit and Stirling by calling them boyfriend and girlfriend simply because Stirling is boarding at Kit's house.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

Not unless Aunt Millie's "heavenly day!" or tidbits of her Kentucky slang (eg: "hilljack") are offensive.


Some problem-causing pride aside, Margaret Mildred "Kit" Kittredge is a good example of hard work, determination, and hope. She's a girl who lives very much in the real world and she's not afraid to hope and try to make things turn out for the better.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 8-10

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