
the Adventure of the Speckled Band

by Arthur Conan Doyle
Series: Sherlock Holmes #
25 pages, Mystery
Reviewed by Corin, Edmund's Friend

This is an entertaining mystery, but not for bedtime.


A woman comes to Sherlock Holmes and tells him that her sister has been mysteriously murdered. It is now up to Holmes to figure out how and by whom.


Ordinary virtues such as justice and humility are strongly upheld. The bad guys do bad things.

Spiritual Content

"Devil" is said incorrectly once.


Two people are killed mysteriously; one of these deaths is extremely scary. A woman is killed in a train crash.

Drug and Alcohol Content

A man is known for getting drunk.

Sexual Content

Two engagements are mentioned.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

"Devil" is said incorrectly once.


The most stupid decision I ever made was reading this at night; it is creepy. But all the same, it's a very well written story with great characters and an intriguing plot. Due to the creepiness I recommend it for 13+.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: adult

Review Rating:

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