
Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione

by Chuck Black
Series: The Knights of Arrethrae #1
169 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by Corin, Edmund's Friend

Exciting, imaginative book with a bit of violence.


Set at the time of Kingdom's Call and Kingdom's Quest, this is the story of how Sir Kendrick and his new student/squire, Duncan, are commissioned by the council to find the enemy's training places. Neither Sir Kendrick nor Duncan realize that in so doing they will be thrown into fights with wolves, deadly duels, daring castle attacks, and much more!


Excellent; there is a clear line between good and evil.

Spiritual Content

Excellent; the characters grow and mature in their relationship with the Prince, and it is stressed several times that as Christians we shouldn't seek glory for ourselves but to bring others to the Prince (Jesus).


Some kids are taken into a castle and tortured until they die; this is not shown, but we see the kids after the fact. Some kids participate in tournaments similar to the gladiator and wild beast fights of the Colosseum. Lord Ra has wolves that roll in their victims' blood. A main character is tortured, and another is killed. There are many more character deaths and wounds, as well as many battles.

Drug and Alcohol Content

At the festival some kids get drunk, which is shown as wrong.

Sexual Content

At the festival some kids flirt and dance, this being seen as bad.

Crude or Profane Language or Content



With an upbeat pace, excellent morals, excellent spiritual content and great characters, Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione is a book I highly recommend to ages twelve and up. Though the book is not as violent as it may sound, I do exhort caution in giving it to younger readers without pre-screening. I suggest that you read this after reading Chuck Black's other series The Kingdom Series, so that you will be properly introduced to this world and some of the characters.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

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