
Our Sacred Honor

by Ron Carter
Series: Prelude to Glory #1
602 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Chautauquan

Excellent read, but some violent content.


The Dunson family, living in Boston just before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, tries to survive throughout the conflict, as fathers and brothers are taken away from homes to fight for liberty and the women and children remain, fighting to survive their own battles without the men of the house.


A British sergeant lifts the skirt of a lady up, revealing her ankle. Fortunately, for this horrendous scandal, he's punished by her husband.

There is an occasional lewd remark from a British officer, but again, this is lewd for the time, and reading it today, it appears to be naught. The characters are raised in a Puritan household and hold to these values.

Spiritual Content

The father of the household, John Dunson, ponders on what heaven is for a brief moment before his wife cautions him to return to the Bible and avoid potentially heretical thoughts. The family is upright, attends church, keeps the Sabbath, and is overall a model Christian family.


It's a book on war, containing accurate depictions of several stories true to the revolution. It is never overtly graphic, but as the fighting becomes intense, people do die.

There is also one passing reference to the Huron practice of ceremonial cannibalism, which is not regarded well, to say the least.

Drug and Alcohol Content

One of the side characters, Tom Sievers, is cast as a drunkard. He smells of brandy when he arrives at the house one night, but is never shown drinking.

Sexual Content

Stop trying to sneak a peek at that woman's ankle! It only happened once, and the bad redcoat doesn't try it again.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

Foolish sergeant takes a peek at lady's ankle, as mentioned earlier, and gets buffeted for it. Profanity isn't found, and the behavior of the main characters is always admirable, in that respect.


A little slow to build up, but when Lexington and Concord arrive, they arrive, and the book remains incredibly fast-paced. Masterfully done, with footnotes citing the historical details, the first volume of Prelude to Glory sets up a family for the birth of a new nation, and the struggles to get it ready.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: adult

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