Poetry of the layman written with a classic flare.
Published posthumously, this is a collection of Lewis's poetry culled from throughout his works. It spans such topics as joy and grief, the future and the past, Christianity and paganism, all with that singular touch that only Lewis possessed.
Reality is sometimes portrayed by Lewis in a stark light through his poetry, but he still maintains a good handle on morality and often displays this as a gem coming out of the rock in a very vibrant burst of artful penmanship.
Spiritual Content
Some may be put off by Lewis's writings on the gods, such as Mercury and Jupiter. This is not singular to Lewis's poetry; he also deals with these characters in such works as his "Space Trilogy." But in both his poems and his trilogy he shows that no worship is given these beings, and glory goes solely to God.
There are some instances of violence in Lewis's poetry, some minor, some a little more graphic, such as his remarks on modern warfare. But never anything to keep one awake at night.
Drug and Alcohol Content
Wine is mentioned in a few poems.
Sexual Content
Other than the mention of rape ("This [the colonization of space] is a good thing, if we honor rape"), none that I recall.
Crude or Profane Language or Content
There are some crude things mentioned, but always in a negative light, such as rape in man's colonization of space.
This is a beautiful collection of works. Lewis often repeats, in different ways, concepts he holds true; in this book he does it most skillfully through poetry. It is a book that is hard to find, but well worth the attaining.