
The Lost Lamb

by Melody Carlson
32 pages, Picture Book
Reviewed by Luthien

This is a good book for small children.


The Shepherd's lamb, Zebadee, is gone when he counts his sheep at the end of the day, so he leaves the ninety-nine other to seek the one that is straying.


All characters are good.

Spiritual Content

The Shepherd obviously represents Jesus, and the sheep completely trust the Shepherd. The Shepherd counts all of them every night and loves each one very dearly.


Zebedee is caught on a thorn and his fleece is torn, but that is it.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



An entertaining book that is written in verse. It was one of my favorites when I was small. It is based on the parable that Jesus told about the shepherd looking for the one sheep that was straying and celebrating when he has found it (Luke 15). It also has illustrations on almost every page.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 2-4

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