When a mysterious blue ghost of a woman who died in 1885 is seen by four boys camping in an old ghost town, Dr. Jacob Cooper and his two children, Jay and Lila, leave their Grand Canyon vacation behind to find out what is going on. On top of all that, Jay and Lila are thrown into... the past.
Good characters are good and bad characters are bad, but some bad characters pretend to be good. Jay and Lila "borrow" some 1885 style cloths, but are fully intending to return them.
Spiritual Content
The good characters are Christians and pray to God for help. Some people believe that some "ghosts" have returned to haunt them, but the "ghosts" turn out to be regular humans.
Gunshots are fired and three people die and one person is wounded.
Drug and Alcohol Content
Tobacco is mentioned along with three brief mentions of saloons.
Sexual Content
Crude or Profane Language or Content
It mentions once that someone curses, but we thankfully are not told what they say. The 1885 people think that Lila is dressed immodestly because she is wearing shorts.
This is a highly captivating time travel/mystery book. It is well-written, but I caught the word "aggravated" being used in the wrong context once. But other than that, it is a very interesting and fun book that I really enjoyed reading.