

by Star Livingstone
62 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by Reviewer91

A good story for kids aged 5-7 who want to work on their reading skills.


Harley is a young llama who lives on a ranch. He is learning to be a pack animal, but he doesn't like it one bit. He decides to be difficult. Very difficult. One day a shepherd shows up, looking for a guard llama to take care of her sheep. Can Harley protect them from the coyotes?


Harley is very difficult, and refuses to listen to the people who try and teach him to be a pack animal.

Spiritual Content



Two of the shepherd's sheep are eaten by the coyotes. There is a picture of the bones of one of the sheep. One of the shepherd's friends suggests that she gets a gun to get rid of the coyotes.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



Harley is a good book for children aged 5-7 who want to work on their reading. The sentences are short, but some of the words may be a bit challenging. The story is good, and the illustrations are colorful and interesting.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 5-7

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