
Danger Shadows

by Dee Henderson
Series: O'Malley #1
320 pages, Mystery
Reviewed by Preciousjewl

I couldn't put this book down! A definitely enjoyable read.


Sara Walsh is under FBI protection after being abducted as a child. Even now, when she is an adult, a man continues to stalk her and send her threatening notes. But all this is pushed aside as Sara finds herself falling in love with a new friend. Can she trust him?


While none of the characters are perfect, Sara is surrounded by friends and family that love and want to protect her. Her brother is an FBI agent that will do anything to keep her safe, but also knows he has to trust God to ultimately protect her.

Sara's stalker is a man that simply does not care about others, and even to the end will not relent.

Spiritual Content

Both Sara and her brother are devout Christians, often praying and relying on the Lord for help. Sara soon realizes she needs God to help her overcome her fear of the dark, and of her stalker.


There is some violence as Sara is moved from one place to another after an attack from her stalker. Towards the end the stalker is shot at without malice or an graphic words. There are some mild violent flashbacks to when Sara was abducted as a child

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

There are a few kisses exchanged between the main character and a man.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

The stalker's language is somewhat crude, but that is all the author allows.


This is an extremely well written book with suspense, and a Christian message. Very little violence, and only a few scenes where Sara and another character kiss. Those who like mysteries will like this book for sure, and those who like good Christian romance should find this enjoyable.
The ending leaves you with the dissatisfaction of wanting more - in a good way! One quickly falls in love with the characters. I would recommend this book for readers 14+.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

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