
Last of the Nephilim

by Bryan Davis
Series: Oracles of Fire #3
435 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by the_narniac

Great read, action-filled but not too much violence!


(Oracles of Fire is the sequel series to Dragons in Our Midst)

The Nephilim, an ancient race of giants, find a way to invade Second Eden, a peaceful civilization in an alternate dimension. And meanwhile on earth, an evil scientist finds a way to bring Earth and Hades together, and is planning on doing the same for Heaven. Two girls hold the key that will keep the meeting from happening. Together, with the help of two teenagers, they will battle the Nephilim along with another great evil that stalks the land.
With giants battling the dragons, a cataclysmic evil erupts, endangering both worlds.


Good always prevails, and bad suffers the consequences. One citizen of Second Eden is tempted to lie (and a lie has never been spoken in Second Eden, so their world doesn't have any evil, hence the name) and ends up lying, bringing evil from our world into theirs.

Spiritual Content

Second Eden is another dimension. The founder of this land was the very first dragon named Arramos in our world who died in the flood. Because Second Eden was being created, the dragon was then created into a human and placed in Second Eden and his name changed to Abraham. The author isn't trying to make people believe that alternate dimensions really exist nor that reincarnation is real.


Oracles of Fire, if someone sheds their blood, that person will die instantly. So when a Nephilim stabs Acacia, he dies right there. Not a whole lot of violence in this book.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

An evil man in Second Eden named Flint kidnaps a woman in Abraham's village and tries to force her to marry him. He mentions that he is wanting to create his own race of humans that would be under his leadership and have his idea of freedom. When told by Abraham that forcing her to marry him wouldn't mean that the woman would love him, Flint says, "I will accept a forced vow. I want her womb, not her devotion." He is just meaning that he is just going to use her as a tool for creating his own race.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

None. The "Oh God" and "Thank God" phrases are all sincere two-word prayers.


I loved this book! It was so action filled! It is a great substitute for fantasy lovers who don't want to read evil sorcery.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

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