
Author Spotlight

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dante is known as the Supreme Poet and the Father of the Italian Language. While not much is known about his family’s ancestry (the man claimed to have been descended from the ancient Romans) it is more than likely true that his family afforded some comfort and prestige within the sphere of Florence where he lived. As well as being a great poet in his society, Dante also served in the Florentine cavalry, was a physician and an apothecary, and was involved in politics. It was for political reasons that he was exiled from Florence to Rome and put under the death-sentence if he ever returned to his city, and it was during this time that he began his famous Divine Comedy. His works endure. The man is buried in Ravenna and has a monument in Florence, but his works remain through the ages.

Books by Dante Alighieri

Book Fun Values Age
The Inferno by Dante Alighieri Great Clean adult
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