
Author Spotlight

Shannon Hale (1974-)
Shannon Hale, author of fantasies for young adults and some adult fiction, was born in Salt Lake City to parents Wallace and Bonnie Bryner. She has attended both the University of Utah (taking a Bachelor's Degree in English) and the University of Montana (taking a Master's Degree in Creative Writing). Before publishing her first novel, "The Goose Girl," in 2003, she worked in a variety of different stage- or television-related jobs and also traveled to the United Kingdom and Mexico. She is married to Dean Hale and lives with him and their two children in South Jordan, Utah; she is a member of the Church of the Latter Day Saints.

Books by Shannon Hale

Book Fun Values Age
Enna Burning by Shannon Hale Good Fairly Clean 13+
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale Good Take Care 13+
Princess Academy by Shannon Hale Great Clean 11-12
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