
Author Spotlight

Stephenie Meyer (1973-)
Stephenie Meyer, best-selling author of the controversial "Twilight" novels, was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to parents Stephen and Candy Morgan. She and her five siblings were raised, however, in Phoenix, Arizona, and it was here at the age of 4 that she met her future husband, Christian. They were married in 1994. Stephenie earned her BA in English from Brigham Young University (she is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints), but did not begin writing until the idea for Twilight came to her in 2003. The four-book series has been adapted for film, been translated into 37 languages, and sold internationally. Stephenie and Christian have three sons and continue to live in Arizona, with a second home on Marrowstone Island, WA.

Books by Stephenie Meyer

Book Fun Values Age
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer Great Take Care 13+
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer Fair Warning 13+
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer Great Warning adult
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer Good Take Care adult
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