
The Lost World

by Michael Crichton
448 pages, Suspense
Reviewed by Kristi

Entertaining read, but contains language, violence, and evolution presented as fact.


A team of scientists, including Ian Malcolm, discovers that there was a second Island connected to Jurassic Park, Site B, where all the dinosaurs were actually manufactured before being put into the park setting. But this abandoned island is still populated by many of the dinosaurs, and the scientists go there to attempt to study the phenomenon of extinction. At the same time, an unethical bioengineering firm has sent its own team to the island, to collect dinosaur eggs for their own use.


The main team mostly acts courageously, with the exception of Richard Levine, who is something of a self-absorbed coward. The team from the bioengineering firm act as villains.

Spiritual Content

Evolution is presented as fact, and is frequently discussed throughout the story. Ian Malcolm makes some very interesting observations about the holes in the current evolutionary theory, how hard it would be for things to have evolved at just the right time for certain systems to work cohesively. Yet when someone asks if Ian thinks this means evolution is directed, Ian answers "No, that's Creationism and it's wrong. Just plain wrong."


Graphic animal attacks. One character attempts to murder another, and one character pushes another into the Tyrannosaur's line of sight, ultimately causing his death.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Ian, injured once again, is injected with morphine, and later starts self-medicating, rending himself fairly useless to the others as the situation deteriorates.

Sexual Content

Some animal reproductive behaviors are explained in a frank manner.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

There is a good deal of language. A--h--le, f--k, g-dd--n, d--n, h--l, and sh-t are all used. Animal behaviors including reproduction and excretion are explained in a frank manner.


While an entertaining read, the language, violence, and evolutionary premises presented here may turn off some readers.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 2.5
Written for Age: adult

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Kristi This review is brought to you by Kristi.
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