
City of Time

by Eoin McNamee
Series: The Time Trilogy #2
336 pages, Science Fiction
Reviewed by bookRacoon

Amazing story, with war and a bit of violence.


Time on earth is running out - literally. In this second installment of the Time Trilogy, Owen, Cati, and Dr. Diamond journey to Hadima, the City of Time, in order to buy more time for earth. They go through many events and troubles until they return to earth, just in time. Events include meeting Rosie, getting to know the Dogs, and escaping from the enemy Harsh.


Owen and his friends love one another and more than once risk their lives to save their friends. The evil Harsh kill humans and other creatures to expand their territory; these aren't described, just assumed. The Dogs steal from the city people because they need to eat.

Spiritual Content

God is not mentioned in the story. Owen and the Resisters selflessly serve everyone else in the different worlds because it is their calling.


The Terminus, the evil government of Hadima, beat and almost kill some Dogs. Rosie is slapped. Some Resisters die in a small war at the end of the book. As stated in the Morality box, the Harsh kill humans.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

The characters curse, but the words themselves are not written down.


This is one of the best books I've read in a long time; the story is completely new, and the plot does not leave the reader feeling bored in the slightest. While it does have some violence and vague swearing, these things do not do much to lower the values of this good-against-evil story.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 11-12

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