
The Soldier's Cross

by Abigail Hartman
296 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Reviewer176

A good read, very engaging.


When her beloved brother joins King Henry V's army to fight in France, Fiona is devastated. Left alone with her ailing father, she chaffs at her own inaction. Shortly after her father dies, Fiona's beloved brother is returned dead from the Battle of Agincourt. Left alone and looking for solace, she reaches for her brother's silver cross, only to discover that he has lost it during the battle. Fiona sets out on a journey to France looking for the cross and the peace she hopes it will bring.


The Soldier's Cross accurately describes the struggles of an unbeliever dealing with grief, but it is written from a Christian perspective.

Spiritual Content

Throughout her journey, Fiona meets Christians who try to help her find the true peace that she is missing.


The Soldier's Cross has very little violence. The reader is given a few glimpses of the battle of Agincourt. Two characters fight. Several characters are killed in battle; another dies violently. None of the violence is described in gory detail.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Because the water was unsuitable for drinking during that time, some alcohol is consumed. Drinking to excess is not condoned.

Sexual Content

One character makes advances toward Fiona, but his suggestions are somewhat veiled. It is mentioned that one character is illegitimate and the circumstances of his birth are mentioned. The fact that mistresses were common at that time is mentioned in a veiled way. Otherwise there is no sexual content.

Crude or Profane Language or Content



The Soldier's Cross is a very good, well-written and moving book. The pages will fly by as the reader wonders if Fiona will ever find the peace she is looking for.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

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