
Teddy's Button

by Amy Le Feuvre
96 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by niennasiblings

Inspiring book with great values.


Teddy is well-known and well-liked for his skill in storytelling. He tells stories of when his father was a soldier, particularly about the brave way he died. One of his father's uniform buttons is Teddy's most prized possession, more important to him than anything else. His greatest desire is to fight bravely like his father, and he longs for an enemy to battle with. A young girl presents herself as an enemy by challenging the truth of his stories, but Teddy finds that unsatisfactory. Then he learns who is his true enemy.


Teddy's pride, disrespect, etc., are dealt with as sin. As he fights against his sin nature, he deals with a variety of sins that are common to young children.

Spiritual Content

Teddy becomes a Christian shortly into the book. The rest of the story is about his growth as a Christian child.


Teddy describes his father's last battle, saying that he was shot and stabbed multiple times, and describing the blood on his clothes, but it is not meant to be gory or overly graphic.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Teddy talks to a man who has trouble controlling his drinking habit, in order to encourage him to keep trying to stop.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

Teddy brainstorms a name for his sinful side, things like worm, snake, ego, and ipse. When Teddy does something mean to a man, the man calls him a scoundrel and the plague of the parish.


This is a lovable, meaningful book that is well-worth reading for children and older readers alike. Teddy's struggles relate to the struggles of every Christian, and the characters' growth and relationships are beautiful and inspiring.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 8-10

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