
the Wish

by Gail Carson Levine
197 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by kribbie12

A well-written book with an often unpleasant main character.


No one at school likes Wilma Sturtz. One day when she is on her way to school, Wilma meets an old lady who grants her one wish - to be popular at Claverford Middle School. Wilma's wish comes true. She is popular for awhile, but then she begins to think that perhaps popularity is not what it is made out to be, after all.


Wilma is rude and unkind during much of the book, but this is not condoned and is addressed.

Spiritual Content

No spiritual content other than the old woman's magical granting of Wilma's wish.


No violence.

Drug and Alcohol Content

No drug or alcohol use.

Sexual Content

Wilma's sudden popularity gains her many requests for dates and a boyfriend.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

Wilma uses the word "anus" when referring to one dog smelling another.


'The Wish' is an enjoyable book, though Wilma's behavior does not make her a good role model. The story teaches a good lesson about wishes (the tagline is "be careful what you wish for") and about popularity, but the character's unpleasantness did not make me want to recommend it to other girls.

Fun Score: 3
Values Score: 3
Written for Age: 8-10

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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