
Beyond the River

by Robert Elmer
Series: The Young Underground #2
176 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

Great values and lessons.


Peter and Elise Anderson are spending a portion of their summer vacation at their aunt and uncle's sheep farm. Then a British plane is shot down and its pilot disappears, and it becomes clear that this is not going to be the safe, relaxing holiday it was meant to be.


Peter, Elise, and the Ringsteds are genuinely concerned for the British pilot. They sacrifice themselves for the safety of others without a second thought. When a sudden change of events takes place, they rally around each other. Peter makes his cousins apologize after some days of constant arguing.

Spiritual Content

The Ringsteds are Christians and Elise reveals that she is as well. A Bible verse is quoted. The kids interact with a pastor and hear him preach on Sunday. Prayer becomes a key part of this story. A few people are concerned for Peter's salvation.


A plane is shot at and crash-lands in a body of water. Mikkel prevents Peter from seeing a man who died in the crash. The kids find an injured man. A ram butts a car repeatedly. Guns are pointed a few times. Peter isn't sure if he hears one go off at a distance (and therefore implying a death). There's a quick mention of mistreatment at a German prison.

Drug and Alcohol Content

A couple Germans smoke.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This second novel in the Young Underground series gives a peek into Resistance methods as Peter and Elise watch their older cousin help people, and themselves dive into the lives of those in danger.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

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