
Sarah and the Pelican

by Margaret A. Epp
Series: Prairie Adventure #
132 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by Nienna

Gentle, homey, Christian, heartwarming.


Note: This book was originally published under the title "The Princess and the Pelican."

Sarah Scott loves threshing time. This year, it is even more exciting as the the Scott family has two threshing teams (forty men total) working on their farm. But the very first day, Sarah's father dismisses her from the excitement to watch cows all day. Lying in the grass by herself, the girl feels as lonely as a pelican in the wilderness.

During the next few months, Sarah and her family endure many changes, small trials and joys. Through it, Sarah grows and learns and, in the end, she helps another pelican return home.


The Scott family has a high view of being responsible, loving others, and Biblical morals. Most of the people around them are also kind and giving of themselves. Sarah and Robbie keep a secret from their parents, but their father says they made the right decision. Sarah disobeys her teacher, but accepts correction. A couple other characters did wrong in the past, but they regret it in the end.

Sarah doesn't like some people initially, but she learns to appreciate them, and to forgive when necessary.

Spiritual Content

The family reads the Bible and prays together every day. God's control in their lives is discussed. Sarah prays and tries to trust God. Some people's salvation is mentioned. Sarah's brother-in-law intends to be a preacher.


A few people almost get lost in a blizzard.

Drug and Alcohol Content

At a wedding, Sarah overhears some men complaining about the lack of alcohol. They say that the hosts used to drink before they became Christians.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



I and my little brother really enjoyed this story. Sarah is a normal girl, with right and wrong thoughts and a young relationship with God. While the story is never dull, it also avoids being very scary or intense. As a sister, I especially appreciated the emphasis on Sarah's relationships with her three siblings.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 8-10

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