

by D. Dina Friedman
208 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Clodsley S.

A very well-written, historically-correct fiction about life in the ghettos during the time of WWII.


Halina Rudowski has lived most of her life in a Poland ghetto with her mother in 1940s Europe, under the cruel oppression of the Germans at that time. But when her mother dies, she must escape, and she finds herself in the midst of thousands of other Jewish escapees. She must now face the reality that her family is dead and continue living life in hiding.


Halina loves her mother and wishes that she wasn't dead, even though her mother taunted her about her fear. She and her friend Batya stick close to each other through the whole book, even through sickness and death. Later they meet a boy named Reuven who loves his brothers very much. In a nutshell, a lot of the main characters are nice to each other and treat each other fairly.

Spiritual Content

Halina and Batya are both Jews. God comes up quite a bit in their conversations and Batya even wishes not to touch Reuven because of her beliefs. Reuven, however, is something of an atheist, rebuking God for something that happens to him, but if I remember correctly, he finds his way in the end.


Lots of blood. Germans are shot with vivid descriptions in order to save Batya from captivity. Batya is said to smell of "sickness and blood" after falling ill.

Drug and Alcohol Content

I think the Germans were drinking when they had Batya in captivity.

Sexual Content

There's probably a relationship between Batya and Reuven, but it never goes farther than friendly chats. Reuven encourages Halina to take a bath with him, saying he'll close his eyes while she's undressing. Halina kisses a young man named Eli, whom she meets in the underground.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

None that I can remember.


I thought that "Escaping into the Night" was very well-written and detailed, with violence having its place. Anybody intrigued with the topic of World War II should definitely read this book.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 13+

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