
Fossil Hunter

by John B. Olson
368 pages, Contemporary
Reviewed by Kristi

Good read with no severely damaging factors.


Dr. Katie James goes to Iraq to analyze a whale fossil that may shed light on the evolutionary debate. Unexpectedly, she finds herself working with her arch-rival Nick Murad. But then Katie finds a second fossil, a human fossil so controversial that Katie and Nick find themselves suddenly shunned by the academic community, even as the fossil itself disappears


The good guys behave morally most of the time. Actually, Nick behaves better than Katie sometimes, and she's supposed to be the believer.

Spiritual Content

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all seem to be accurately portrayed.


Physical fights, gun use.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Drinking by adults.

Sexual Content

Some kissing.

Crude or Profane Language or Content



The characters are well-developed and interesting, but I found myself disappointed that the whale fossil wasn't even found until more than halfway through the book...It seems to me that an initial incident should happen, well, initially.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: adult

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Kristi This review is brought to you by Kristi.
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