
Half Magic

by Edward Eager
Series: Edward Eager's Tales of Magic #1
208 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by Aslan's Lamb

Very clever story about magic with good morality and minimal bad content.


Four children find an ancient coin that grants wishes...but only halfway. Ridiculous adventures follow as the children travel through time and space trying to figure out how to fix half of a talking cat or how to double their biggest dreams.


The children have a general sense of fairness and try to not hurt anybody with their magic. It is true that they all have character flaws and they often fight and argue. Sometimes they make bad choices (at one point, Jane wishes she was part of another family!), but they always regret their bad choices and try to fix things, which is never easy.

Spiritual Content

None that I can think of.


Knights get into a fight and end up killing each other, but it isn't described in detail. Katherine fights in a tournament with the knights of the round table.

At one point, Jane slaps Martha.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Medieval knights drink wine.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

There is a medieval oath that has the word "God" in it.


A clever, funny book about how complicated magic can be. The characters are realistic and likable, and the moral overtones are positive.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 8-10

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