
The Shadow of the Bear

by Regina Doman
Series: Fairy Tale Novel #1
165 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by White Rose

A very good story. Very intriguing. Some violence, but not too much.


Blanche and Rose Brier have recently moved to New York with their mother, after their father died of cancer. Blanche has a hard time with the other kids at school, who all tease her because of her quiet manner and her very fair skin and black hair. Rose doesn't have any close friends, but her lively manner makes it easier for her to fit in. Their lives change in a strange way when one night their mother slips on some ice, and a young man with a head full of black dreadlocks, who calls himself Bear, comes to her rescue. Bear never reveals much about himself to the girls, but he soon becomes more than a friend to the Brier family, which also puts them in danger.


Morality is very high in this story. When the kids at the high school act mean or immoral, it is shown that they are in the wrong. In the end those who participated in wrong are dealt with, and those who did good are lifted up.

Spiritual Content

The main characters are Catholic, and put faith and trust in God very high. There are several times when it mentions one character or another praying. The main villain of the story is an atheist.


There are a couple of vicious fist fights, a gun shot, and a main character is kidnapped. A few main characters are almost murdered in cold blood.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Bear and his brother Fish were convicted of drug dealing, and some of the kids at the school are said to be users. Some of the kids at a party drink beer.

Sexual Content

A couple of people discuss works of art, and a nude work depicting Venus is mentioned. Rose's date to the prom tries to seduce her, but she escapes.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

At most a few words from the villain; the main characters do not swear.


This is a very intriguing modern version of the classic fairy tale Snow White and Rose Red. The story is full of action, but not so much as to be overbearing. The same goes for romance. Blanche and Bear start to fall in love with each other; though it is made obvious, it is not over done.

As I stated before, the main characters are Catholic, and their faith plays heavily in their lives, and in the plot of the story. However, the author focuses on that which all Christians share, faith in God, and His love for us.
I think any fairytale fan would love this book.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 13+

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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