
The Last Holiday Concert

by Andrew Clements
166 pages, General Fiction
Reviewed by Knight of Narnia

Great read, with almost nothing to watch out for.


Hart shoots a rubber band at the choir teacher to be funny... and nothing good comes of it. Soon the whole class is revolting, refusing to do anything with choir. The teacher gives up, deciding if they want to get up on stage and look stupid at the concert, that's okay with him. But the class starts working together... and a choir program is in the works.


The class disobeys Mr. Meinert, the teacher, but nothing serious is done by anybody.

Spiritual Content

Since The Last Holiday Concert is about, well, a holiday concert, lots of the songs have spiritual connotations. One Jewish character comments that her mom might not like the song Silent Night being sung, and the choir sings some Hanukkah songs.


None, but there's chaos in the choir room.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

Hart remarks about one of the girls in his class being pretty, but nothing else.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

One kid in a dreidel costume throws up, but nothing else.


The Last Holiday Concert is a very good read for younger and older readers. It is very well written, and has a charming message and ending.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 8-10

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