
The Crippled Lamb

by Max Lucado
32 pages, Picture Book
Reviewed by Lil Princess the Valiant

A wonderful read for any age that enphasises God's plan and care for our lives.


Written by Max Lucado along with his daughters, Jenna, Andrea, and Sara, The Crippled Lamb is a story about an orphan crippled lamb named Joshua, who finds out that God has a plan for everyone and everything, even those who feel left out.


When the shepherds plan to take the sheep to the next valley where there is more grass, the other sheep are mean to him and tease him. Even one of the shepherds kindly encourages him to stay in the barn for the night. His only friend is a kind old cow named Abigale.

Spiritual Content

Woven beautifully into this tale, is the story of Christ's birth.



Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

The other sheep call him slowpoke.


Even though orphaned and crippled Joshua is constantly reminded of God's love and care for him. "God has a special place for those who feel left out." Any one who has ever felt unwanted or left out or just different may enjoy this tell as they learn or are reminded that God has a special plan for them, wherever they are in life.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 5-7

Review Rating:

Average rating: 3 stars
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