
Author Spotlight

George Finkel (1909-1975)
George Finkel was born in at South Shields, Durham, not far from Hadrian’s Wall in England. He graduated from Bede Collegiate and made his way into the Royal Airforce and Navy. Before the second World War he spent his time flying for the Imperial Airways Company, and during the war he worked on the Volunteer Reserve. Later he and his family moved to Australia, where, after playing his part in the Korean War, he settled down and began his literary career. He began with stories for boys and later moved on to write some magnificently accurate historical novels, as well as some fictional biographies, many of which bear strong similarities in writing style to G.A. Henty's popular works.

Books by George Finkel

Book Fun Values Age
The Long Pilgrimage by George Finkel Great Clean 13+
Watch Fires to the North by George Finkel Great Clean 13+
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