
Watch Fires to the North

by George Finkel
313 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Jenny

Excellent rendition of the Arthurian tale.


After the removal of Roman troops from Britain, those of Roman stock left behind are suffering from the lack of jurisdiction. When the Saxons begin harrying the coastlands, the Romano-Britians determine to rebuild the armed forces of the island. There is one thing lacking: cavalry. And these men will go to the ends of the Empire to find it.


Good is good and bad is bad.

Spiritual Content

The Romano-Britians hold to a "conservative" Catholic view, those in Byzantium hold to the Eastern Orthodox religion, and the Saxons hold to their ancient paganism.


There are battles scattered throughout the story, but none described in graphic detail.

Drug and Alcohol Content

The mention and drinking of wine, but no drunkenness.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This is a Romano-British rendition of the Arthurian story without all its fantastical trappings. The storyline is very unique, the characters strong but not over-developed, and the situations life-like and enthralling. Recommended for young adults and up.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 13+

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Jenny This review is brought to you by Jenny.
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