
Author Spotlight

Ted Dekker (1962-)
Born in Indonesia to missionaries serving amongst the headhunter tribes there, Dekker later came to the United States to go to high school and attend Evangel University. He began writing in the 1990's and is now popular - especially among teenagers - for his suspense/thriller novels, which often incorporate more supernatural elements. His first published novel was "Heaven's Wager," published in 2000, and his latest is "Burn," published in 2009; further novels are awaiting publication for 2010. Dekker, his wife, Lee Ann, and two daughters currently live in Austin, Texas.

Books by Ted Dekker

Book Fun Values Age
Black by Ted Dekker Great Warning 13+
BoneMan's Daughters by Ted Dekker Great Fairly Clean adult
Chosen by Ted Dekker Good Clean 13+
Red by Ted Dekker Great Clean adult
Sinner by Ted Dekker Good Clean adult
Thr3e by Ted Dekker Great Fairly Clean adult
White by Ted Dekker Great Fairly Clean adult
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