
The Invisible Island

by Ron Roy
Series: A to Z Mysteries #9
96 pages, Mystery
Reviewed by bookRacoon

Good read and fast plot.


Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are best friends who live in the town of Green Lawn, Connecticut. One day, they go off on a picnic to Shaw Island. When rain clouds suddenly appear, they try to find some shelter under one of the many big rocks there. Josh then finds a hundred dollar bill. When the three turn it in to Officer Fallon, they find that it is a counterfeit. Can they catch the criminals?


The criminals make counterfeit money. There is also animal neglect on their part. This is all shown as wrong, however.

Spiritual Content

God is not mentioned in this book, nor is any religion or spiritual content.


The dog, later named Pal, was probably not fed very well and things like that. It's only implied, though.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



Very good book, with the setting being vividly described and adding to the feel and suspense of the story.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 8-10

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