
King's Arrow

by Douglas Bond
Series: Crown and Covenant #2
207 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Nienna

Very good, edifying read, but some nondescriptive violent content.


It is the year 1679 and the M'Kethe family, as Covenanters, endure persecution from the English church. Once a poet shepherd boy, Angus now struggles with issues of life and death - when is it right to kill? How far can he justly go in protecting his sister's purity? Through all that happens, Angus and his family strive to follow King Jesus and grow to know him more.


All of the main characters are strong Christians, and any sin is denounced as such. Many of their conversations center around how to biblically deal with various situations.

Spiritual Content

God and the Bible play a very high part in the story. Some minor characters are superstitious.


Many people are tortured or die in battle, which is sad and portrayed as horrible, though nothing is graphically described - merely the facts are written. Angus and his father, as well as others, are many times in fear for their lives. Angus has to kill some men to save others, which is quite difficult for him.

Drug and Alcohol Content

It is a few times stated that certain enemy soldiers are drunk.

Sexual Content

A young woman is caught by some Highlanders, two of whom fight over her, being stopped before they can do more than stroke her hair. The situation is handled very delicately, with no obvious statements of the men's intentions. The parents kiss.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

The word "bloody" is used many times to describe people, because of their murderous deeds. Angus hears some soldiers speaking in Gaelic and he thinks their words were bad, but they are not translated to English.


A fascinating, well written, inspiring tale, King's Arrow is a book I highly recommend. The discussions held in the book are edifying and thought-provoking, and the characters are godly and easy to relate to. I would use caution in giving it to children younger than highschool, though, because of the violence and the situation with the young woman. It is certainly an excellent book because of the characters, the story, the good history, and the solidly biblical worldview.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

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