
Mallory Goes Green

by Laurie Friedman
Series: Mallory McDonald #13
155 pages, Contemporary
Reviewed by bookRacoon

Mediocre read, quite political and earth-saving oriented.


Mallory McDonald really loves that her school is "Going Green." Her friends and family think that going green is a good idea too. However, she starts getting out of line by making sure everything everyone does is good for the earth. She soon has to learn that her position as Group Leader for the "Going Green" project needs to be a team effort instead of her being bossy.


Mallory seemed kind of immature by going overboard to save the earth. She is also completely selfish in her ideas for the Green Fair. Her dad and best friends help her to change.

Spiritual Content

God is not mentioned in the book. Mallory keeps referring to a wishing pond when things don't go her way.



Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This book had a good plot about an innocent little girl who loved the earth. However, this book seems suspiciously political ("Save the Earth!" "Prevent Global Warming!"). In addition, as mentioned above, Mallory isn't the greatest role model. I would not really recommend this to many people, unless you have nothing better to read.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 8-10

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