
Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep

by Gail Carson Levine
Series: The Princess Tales #3
112 pages, Fantasy
Reviewed by White Rose

Very good story. Quite entertaining.


When Princess Sonora of Biddle is born, her parents invite all the fairies to a gift giving party...except the fairy Belladonna.
The Princess is given many gifts, including that of being ten times smarter than any person! But when Belladonna pops in unexpectedly, she places a curse upon Sonora. She will prick her finger and die. Another fairy is able to deter the curse in a way...but Sonora is determined to take control over her cursed fate.

And so the Princess Sonora grows, annoying people with her questions, and, even more, with her decided answers. This causes a proverb to arise, "Princess Sonora knows, but don't ask her."

Then the curse comes to pass, out of Sonora's control.

Will a prince come and awaken her? Will there ever be someone who will appreciate her knowledge?

"Princess Sonora knows..."


Quite excellent.

Spiritual Content

Some fairy magic, especially at the bestowing of the gifts. And, of course, when the curse takes place.


No real violence...just some threatened sword play.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

A couple of kisses.

Crude or Profane Language or Content



This is a wonderfully humorous retelling of Sleeping Beauty. The name Sonora alone seems to speak of it! I'd recommend it for anyone who loves the original story, and can handle it being fractured.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 11-12

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