Extremely interesting, with a bit of violence and some questionable romance.
The plot thickens as Gabi and Lia continue their journey through medieval Italy, with the girls' mother now joining them on their adventures. The love blossoming between Gabi and Marcello may be cut short when Gabi is captured and separated from Marcello. At the same time trouble is growing as Firenze becomes stronger, now that they have the She-wolf. Can Marcello save Gabi before it is too late?
This book is generally very moral, although there are a few crude bits. Regarding one lord, we cannot tell whether he is a good guy or a bad guy, but he seems to be an honorable man.
Spiritual Content
Gabi prays to God several times. Marcello is a Christian, and likewise has godly beliefs.
There are several battles going on here, and many people die or are badly wounded. Gabi is dragged on the ground behind a horse.
Drug and Alcohol Content
The people drink and make wine, but this is fine, since that was the common drink in medieval Italy.
Sexual Content
Gabi and another man must use the same bed out of necessity, but they are honorable. She calls a man gay. Marcello and Gabi kiss a lot, quite passionately, but that is the extent. Some readers may object to the amount of flirtation, kissing, etc. between these two characters. Luca still has a crush on Lia.
Crude or Profane Language or Content
Gabi is imprisoned in a small cage, and must use the restroom, but, unfortunately, there are a few men who see and laugh.
An exciting novel. Now that the girls' mother is along for the ride, things do get interesting as the relationship between the relationship between the three grows. This book is fast-paced and probably too violent for the tenderhearted reader. I did enjoy it, although I think it did get a bit too crass at a few points due to the subjects mentioned in the Sexual Content box.