
Lost on a Mountain in Maine

by Donn Fendler
109 pages, Biography/History
Reviewed by Nienna

Well-written true story.


[Note: This was written by Donn Fendler as told to Joseph B Egan.]

When twelve-year-old Donn Fendler decides to head back down Mt. Katahdin, to meet up with his dad, he has no idea that in the cold fog he will lose the trail and end up wandering aimlessly in the rough mountain wilderness for almost two weeks, alone.


Good. Donn disobeys his father, but is punished for it by the consequences.

Spiritual Content

Donn is a Christian and repeatedly prays and he thanks God for his deliverance. He strongly believes that his Guardian Angel kept him going. At one point he sees some mysterious things, which a note says was probably the closest he came to insanity.


Donn gets badly bruised and cut up, as well as suffering from hundreds of bug bites and almost starving.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

Donn uses the word Christmas as an exclamation. He loses his pants in his struggle and so travels without them.


This inspiring, true story of survival is compellingly written in Donn's words and easy to understand with the pictures and notes provided throughout the book. Donn is very open about sharing his thoughts and feelings during his wanderings and hardships, as well as some of his reflections upon looking back. Though suitable for all ages, I think highschoolers and adults will get the most out of the story.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 13+

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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