
The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Novelists

by Andrew McAleer
214 pages, Contemporary
Reviewed by Grace P

Extremely helpful, but contains language and mild sexual and violent content.


Full of tips from more than fifty of the greatest fiction writers of our time, The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Novelists is a helpful guide that will help you get your book from the blank page to the store shelves.


Writing is at times put ahead of everything else, with some of the authors even suggesting that writing should take precedence over family and friends. Also, more emphasis is put on writing what will sell than what will be righteous.

There are, however, many good things promoted, such as discipline, professionalism, courtesy, and more. And there are portions where authors are cautioned AGAINST putting their careers ahead of family.

Spiritual Content

None, really.


Again, violence and killing is mentioned as part of the books referenced, but there is nothing graphic.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Drugs or alcohol may have been mentioned once or twice.

Sexual Content

Some of the books referenced feature immorality, but there is nothing graphic.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

There is PG level language sprinkled throughout.


Like any non-Christian guide, this book must be taken with a grain of salt, but overall it is extremely helpful for beginning, intermediate, or even advanced authors, sharing tips that will make their job a lot easier.

Fun Score: 3
Values Score: 3.5
Written for Age: adult

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