
The Society

by Bill Myers
Series: Forbidden Doors #1
160 pages, Contemporary
Reviewed by Victor

Good thought provoking story, but be ready for some more serious spiritual themes.


Rebecca and Scott William and their mother move to a new town in California after growing up in the jungles of South America. Mr and Mrs William were missionaries. Rebecca is getting adjusted to life in a new place and trying to make friends at school, something that doesn't come easy for her. In Scott's first week of school a new friend of his introduces Scott to a clique called the Society who meet in the back room of a shop. They consult with what they call 'spirits of the dead' and use Ouija boards to do so. According to what Scott and Becka believe, they think that when a person dies they cannot stick around to talk to the living, but there are spirits in this world - and not of dead people either. So they search their Bibles for answers and get some advice from a mysterious friend on how best to deal with the situation. In an exciting display, Scott and Rebecca really find out how much more powerful God is than Satan and his hordes.


There is good and bad and the line is clearly drawn. Becka and Scott have to make difficult choices, like not cheating, telling the truth, and being kind to your enemies.

Spiritual Content

The series' focus is on spiritual powers and the strength Christians have over them through trust in God. There are demons in the book, but they are not put on a pedestal and are described as they should be - something to be wary of but not scared.


Scott is stuck in a locker, Becka falls several times on the track, and a girl under demonic control has a fit.

Drug and Alcohol Content

The family reflects back on some tribal practices in South America how witch-doctors would use drugs before going to meet with spirits.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



I enjoyed the book: Myers has a flare for writing interesting books and providing very funny narration. The lesson put forth in the book about the opposing powers in the Earth is also beneficial - don't mess around with demons! It is a fairly weighty book theme though dealt with in a readable way, but definitely have your Bible open to see more of what it has to say on these issues. I could also stand to see some more character development, but hopefully that will come further along in the series. One thing that is a bit concerning is how Rebecca and Scott take the advice of a guy from a chat room, a man that they have never met before. His advice helps them, but readers should realize that this is not always a good plan.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

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