
Death on the Nile

by Agatha Christie
351 pages, Mystery
Reviewed by Grace P

An excellent mystery for adult readers.


Linnet Ridgeway has everything any woman could ever want -- beauty, wealth, fame, and a handsome and doting new husband. But when her husband's ex-fiancee, Linnet's former best friend, follows them on their Egyptian honeymoon and shadows their every move, chaos and mystery erupt.

When Linnet is murdered in the night, the killer seems obvious -- until the suspect produces an airtight alibi. Now everyone on the boat is under suspicion and it's up to Hercule Poirot to unravel the web of mystery and deceit that surrounds the secretive group of travelers.


Good. Murder is always showed as wrong, and Poirot speaks of the dangers of opening one's heart to evil, warning that evil will always accept the invitation. Communism and relativism are frowned upon.

Spiritual Content

References to God occasionally throughout, usually by Hercule Poirot. Much talk of good versus evil.


Multiple murders are committed, as well as one non-fatal shooting, though none are described in graphic detail.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Wine and whiskey are drunk by the characters at mealtimes, and one character is discovered to be a drunk.

Sexual Content

One character is an author who is known for writing sexual novels, and she talks about sex most of the time. The other characters find her distasteful and annoying.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

There is some mild, occasionally language, usually involving the words God or Lord.


Death on the Nile is an exciting and compelling read, which will test the reader's logic and deductive skills to the limit. Full of twists and turns, this story will keep you on your toes and have you rooting for Poirot until the very last page.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: adult

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