
Far Traveler

by Rebecca Tingle
240 pages, Historical Fiction
Reviewed by Kristi

Good read with some interesting history.


After Aelfwyn's mother dies, her uncle King Edward tells her that she must either marry one of his loyal nobles or enter a monastery. Cutting her hair, she takes on the role of a 'scop' - a storyteller - and the new name of Widsith, "Far Traveler".


Where kings and crowns are involved, there's plotting going on, and the plots form the crux of Aelfwyn's difficulties. Aelfwyn herself, however, proceeds to make largely moral and/or neutral choices.

Spiritual Content

Aelfwyn and most of the other characters are Christians, and her aunt is a kindly abbess. The abbess comments that some of the stories Aelfwyn's mother loved seem to be a little worldy. Toward the end we see her reacting to a difference in opinion with an archbishop. Faith in this story is more of a backdrop device than a motivator for most characters, but it is not portrayed in a negative way.


Some violence and a few brief battle scenes. Nothing graphic.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Ale and other alcoholic beverages are mentioned.

Sexual Content

Some relationships are implied which are not confined to wedlock, and one character is acknowledged as the offspring of a slave and slaveowner.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

The word "b------d" is used by one character in referencing her own birth.


An entertaining story for slightly older readers, this story featured some interesting information on a segment of English history I knew little about.

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 13+

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Kristi This review is brought to you by Kristi.
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