
Mary Bunyan

by Sallie Rochester Ford
488 pages, Biography/History
Reviewed by Jenny

An enriching biography of John Bunyan’s little blind daughter.


John Bunyan’s first child was a girl - a blind girl, but a girl with a heart of gold. When her father is arrested and imprisoned she becomes his closest companion, bringing him food and love from home, and also petitioning the king for his release. Without fail blind Mary Bunyan serves her father wholeheartedly, and through her years learns to serve her heavenly Father with still more fervor.


While this is a biography and there are therefore people who do evil and are not punished, the morality is excellent. It is written by a Christian concerning a Christian, and all history included is shed in a Christian light.

Spiritual Content

John Bunyan was a preacher of the Baptist profession; he quoted Scripture regularly and was very well versed in the Word. Mary and the rest of her family are devoted to their faith.


There are instances of violence in the book. John Bunyan was arrested and thrown in prison, and seventeenth century prisons were anything but cozy. Men are captured, executed, maimed, and the like, though none of these instances are described graphically. While not dull, the author does not go into detail concerning these. There are mistreatments of characters, often verbally, as well.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Wine and other alcoholic drinks are consumed since water was not always clean enough to drink during this time.

Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content

None, except that God is not always viewed reverently.


This is a beautiful if little-known biography on John Bunyan’s blind daughter Mary. Young women in the faith especially will learn from this little blossom strengthening under persecution. Sweet and enduring, this tale of a saint is well worth the time spent reading it.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 13+

Review Rating:

Average rating: 5 stars
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