
Martin Luther

by May Mcneer
92 pages, Biography/History
Reviewed by niennasiblings

Fun and quick read with good morals.


Note: This book was co-authored by May Mcneer and Lynd Werd.

Martin Luther's life from birth to death, written for younger children.


Bad is bad and good is good. Biblical values are strongly upheld.

Spiritual Content

Luther believes in the physical presence of devils. The belief in fairies and goblins held by many at the time is referenced. Catholic and Protestant beliefs are discussed in brief.


Briefly mentions the peasant revolts and the violence between the peasants and nobles. Nothing more descriptive than "peasants were hung for doing ---"

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



Of the many children's books that I have read about Reformers, this is definitely one of the better ones. I highly recommend it for introducing Martin Luther and the Reformation to children. The book gives a good overview of the events, people, and beliefs involved in Luther's life in a simple and interesting way.

This book does not mention Luther's antisemitism (one of the difficult facets of Luther's life). It does address his part in the peasant revolts, saying that Luther first sympathized with the peasants, but changed his mind after hearing about the riots and bloodshed caused by them. It then says that upon the nobles becoming brutal in return, Luther wrote that "the devils that had entered the peasants had gone into the victors, instead of going back to hell."

Fun Score: 4
Values Score: 4.5
Written for Age: 8-10

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