
The Disappearing Jewel of Madagascar

by Sigmund Brouwer
Series: The Accidental Detectives #2
132 pages, Mystery
Reviewed by Ariel_of_Narnia

A well-written book with mystery, good morals, and a healthy dose of humour.


Twelve-year-old Ricky Kidd is having the best Saturday morning ever. A horrendous haircut, a nicked ear, cat-scratched hands, a shoulder bruise, and a black eye. As if his day couldn't possibly get any better, he's now supposedly under an ancient curse, a couple thousand dollars in debt, and in desperate need of exposing an imposter stealing an extremely expensive jewel collection.


Ricky is a responsible lad who truly loves his "kid brother" Joel when it most counts. He understands the value of friends and family. He is willing to own up to his faults and do everything he can to make things right. His friends Mike, Ralphy, and Lisa care about him and each other and even little Joel does what he can to help.

Spiritual Content

There is a brief conversation concerning prayer (during which, it's mentioned that Ricky, his family, and his friends go to church). Ricky's dad also encourages him to trust in God and not worry so much about his problems.

The Jewel of Madagascar supposedly carries a curse. Neither Ricky nor the jewel's owner believe in said curse.


Ricky jumps a character, a man blacks out when he's soundly whacked on the head, and another carries a knife as a threat. A few people are tied up against their will. There are cases of slapstick-style violence such as a book landing on someone's head and the ear-nicking mentioned before.

Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content

Ricky has something of a secret crush on Lisa, though it barely comes into play.

Crude or Profane Language or Content


A couple pranks are pulled (one done out of bitterness, but apologized for). They are rather harmless, but should not be repeated. Ricky's detective actions also should also not be imitated.


This is a well-structured mystery with lessons in loyalty and trusting God. Ricky and his friends are fairly good examples of good character traits most of the time. Add in a healthy dose of clean humour, and this book is good!

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 5
Written for Age: 11-12

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