
The Moonstone

by Wilkie Collins
434 pages, Mystery
Reviewed by Lady Meriwen

Compelling and well-written!


When Rachel Verinder inherits a jewel of India from her eccentric uncle, her family is plunged into a mystery that baffles the cleverest minds. Legend claims that when the jewel was stolen from a temple in India, it was also cursed - and after it is lost, Rachel's happy family life is seriously threatened. Is there truth in the legend of the diabolical Moonstone, or will the mystery be solved before it is too late?


Good is good, bad is bad, and everybody is very human.

Spiritual Content

One of the characters is legalistically religious, and another one is hypocritical, but by and large there is no disrespect to actual Christianity. An important part of the story is the assumption that the Moonstone is "cursed", but that's shown to be just superstition.


A character commits suicide, but it is not shown.

Drug and Alcohol Content

Wine is drunk, and one of the characters is addicted to opium.

Sexual Content

One of the servants suspects that two of the main characters may have slept together, but there is nothing explicit.

Crude or Profane Language or Content

None, except for an occasional "Good God!"


Charming characters and clever plot twists make The Moonstone well worth reading. If you like Dickens' careful characterization and Arthur Conan Doyle's intricate mysteries, you'll love this book.

Fun Score: 5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 13+

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