
The Report Card

by Andrew Clements
173 pages, Contemporary
Reviewed by bookRacoon

Another interesting school story.


Nora is a genius - she even remembers what her baby crib smelled like. For her, school has always been a breeze, and fifth grade is no exception. When her best friend Stephen struggles in school, though, Nora takes a step back and starts to evaluate whether judging kids' intelligence based on their factual knowledge is the best way to go about education.


Nora, like many other geniuses, wants to be normal. Because of that, she has hidden her intelligence from her friends and parents, purposely scoring average or below-average grades. In Nora's experiment, she purposely gets zeros on her quizzes, causing some of her friends to want to do so as well. Nora's smarty behavior during her experiment also provokes the principal.

Spiritual Content

God is not a major part of this story plot.



Drug and Alcohol Content


Sexual Content


Crude or Profane Language or Content



This story really is another Andrew Clements classic - well-written, with a unique look at school. Leave it to Mr. Clements to write a story about school and yet make it interesting to read. The only point of which to be aware is that Nora's behavior in her "experiment" is not entirely right, though it is understandable.

Fun Score: 4.5
Values Score: 4
Written for Age: 11-12

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